Daily Archives: December 9, 2011

I am just thinking

Many thought running around this sluggish brain today.  It is commonly accepted that we have about 70,000 (yes seventy thousand) thoughts each day.  Is it any wonder then I get confused?

Do not disturbSo today what am I thinking.

Last week Janet at http://thoughtstomull.com/ awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you for this Janet I really appreciate it and consider it an honour to have been nominated by you.

But I do have some concerns about awards (as do some other bloggers).  See this post from Lenore Diane at mythoughtsexactly.  We do love to receive acknowledgment from our peers, and I don’t even object worry about the part where one has to tell seven, eight or however many things about themselves.  No, what really worries me is having to select 10 or 15 others on to whom to pass the award.  Note – Since there are so many great blogs out there I find it difficult to select only a few.  In the past I have nominated everyone on my blog roll but I guess that is cheating! (This note was added after the post was published and in recognition of some of the comments).

So may I say thank you and graciously decline the award, knowing that I can’t accept it without the obligations that accompany it?  I hope that this doesn’t offend the donor.  That most certainly is not my aim.  I am working on being gracious in all areas of my life.  Some areas are easier than others.

Christmas bellsChristmas is rapidly approaching – only 15 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds as I write this. Well many of you are a day behind us so you have 16 days etc etc.  Click here for the Christmas Countdown Clock.

I have been reading several posts about Christmas and how we celebrate,  We all have family traditions either of long standing or maybe only comparatively recently started.  One that we have in our family started almost half a century ago when my children were babes.  Each year we would select a gift for a child, wrap it and place it under the tree in a local department store.  This has been done now in three different countries in this world.  And we have carried on the tradition.  I still purchase a gift as do my daughter and family and my son and family.  The object has been to instil in the children (mine or theirs) that there is so much more to Christmas than receiving..

I have blogged about Christmas when growing up in London and Christmas in the southern hemisphere in the summer.  Christmas in the sunshine just doesn’t seem right somehow.  So I stick to the traditions, roast turkey and all the trimmings, Christmas pudding etc etc.  And sometimes the weather performs as it should in the summer and the temperatures soar.  But as our weather is so unpredictable who knows what Christmas Day will bring.

What are the traditions in your family?  I would really love to hear of them.

Yesterday was Thursday but I didn’t do lunches at the Hospice.  Instead I was asked to be part of a seminar for the administration staff.  Of course I agreed when they asked could I do something on Time Management.

Wman surrounded by paperI said “Yes I should be happy to do so” and I was until  I saw the Agenda for the day.  I was allotted 1.25 hours and the session was entitled Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines with a series of sub headings.

The Agenda was only circulated a week before the event so much midnight burning of candles oil went on in this house.

Of course the session went smoothly and was well received but for a little while I was concerned.

“To complain about a lack of time is like a fish in the sea complaining that it has a lack of water”
Judith Baxter
A short time ago I wrote about flat packs.  Some people hadn’t heard the expression before and they and others were kind enough to leave comments.  And for no other reason than I think it’s a great photo I give you…
Flat pack car

Flat pack cat


I missed my daily post by SEVEN minutes today and so I have missed out on a blog a day.

Crying baby

Will be back tomorrow with another.

One of these days

“One Of These Days
When We Both Are At Our Ease
When You’ve Got Time To Please Yourself
See What’s Right And See What’s There
And Breathe Fresh Air, Ever After”
Paul McCartney sings – One of these days

How often do we say “One of these days I will. …whatever”? or “When I get around to it”?  Well I want to tell you that today should be ‘one of these days”.  None of us know how many more days there are to do whatever we think we want to do.  As someone who was left without ‘one of these days’ I now feel the loss of those days.  We were fortunate in that there weren’t  any things unsaid or undone between us when my husband died, but there cannot be anymore ‘one of these days’.

Do you have a bucket list with all the things you think you want to do before you die?  But have you thought of all the smaller things that maybe you should do?

  • Have your told your spouse/partner how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate their just being there for you?  – What if tomorrow never comes will they know how much they mean to you?
  • Have you told your children how proud of them you are ?
  • Have you told them how much you love them?
  • Have you told them no matter what they do you will still love them?
  • Have you thanked your parents for your childhood?  I know some people had awful childhoods so delete this question if it doesn’t apply to you.
  • Have you told those special friends how much you appreciate their support?
  • Have you thanked your children’s spouses for the love and care they have shown to your children?
  • Have you told your grandchildren that if you had to choose you would choose them?

So often we attend funerals ( and we attend so many more when you reach this  vast number of years)  and hear great eulogies about how wonderful the dead person was.  How many people told that person of their love and respect while they were still alive and could appreciate it?  Wouldn’t it make so much more sense to do so?

So determine that from today you wont put off doing these small things and here for you today is a round tuit.

A Round Tuit

So now you have no excuse for putting anything off until ‘one of these days’ or ‘when I get a round tuit’.  You now have one!  Use it as often as you like.  It can never be over used or worn out.

So today look at the list of things you want to say to others, look at what you might regret if you don’t do so before that special person dies, and as the ad says ‘Just Do It!”

And for me – I want to say thank you to all who follow and read my blogs.  It has been something to do ‘one of these days’ .  Well today is the day so thank you.


“On behalf of all the people who have assembled here
I would merely like to mention, if I may
That our unanimous attitude
Is one of lasting gratitude
For what our friends have done for us today
And therefore I would simply like to say
Thank you very much, thank you very much
That’s the nicest thing that anyone’s ever done for me.”  From Scrooge the musical