Daily Archives: December 16, 2011

Time for a change

Lotte has been looking a bit bedraggled for several weeks now.  She has needed a hair cut in the worst possible way.  I eventually managed to get an appointment with the groomer and guess what, it was for yesterday.

As I couldn’t drive my friend Carol agreed to take her for me.  This is a new groomer and so she didn’t know how I wanted the hair cut and so I had a conversation with her.  English is not her first language and so the conversation went something like:

Cecilia;       Hello Judis.  Lottee is here now.  How do I cut her?
Me:              I would like her trimmed for the summer.
Cecilia:        But how much?
Me:               Just tidy her up all over so that she isn’t too hot
Cecilia:         But 2, 3 or 5 and 6?
Me:                2,3 or 5 and 6 what?
Cecilia:          Size – most people have 5  for dogs this small
Me:                OK so I’ll have 5.

Well of course I had no idea what I would get and how my pooch would look when I got her back.

Lotte clipped

I don't know what attracted her attention away from the camera

And this is how she looks now.  Clean and shiny and sweet smelling once again.  But gone is her beautiful feathery tail.  You can’t see it from this photo but she now has a totally clipped tail with a ‘feather duster’ on its end.  Oh well, it will grow out in time – I know it will, I know it will!

“A person who has never owned a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.”
Bob Barker, Game Show Host