What Lurks in Your Garden?

Coffee.  Garden.  Coffee.
Does a good morning need anything else?
~Betsy Cañas Garmon, www.wildthymecreative.com

The rain had stopped and the sun was trying really hard to shine.  So I put on my gumboots and went out to look at what damage the hail and rain had done to my patio  garden.


I was amazed to see just what lurks in my tiny patio garden.

Fly on ranunculas

The fly was just having a rest in the sunshine. 

LotteLotte was checking things out

Statue sistersThis statue always reminds me of the closeness of my sisters
and has moved with me many times over the years

Mexican thingIt’s sad that this thing has lost it’s tail and has to rely
on the pot to hold it up

GnomeThis was the most hideous thing you have ever seen
given to me as part of a joke by 2 grandsons last Christmas.
Fortunately Unfortunately, it has lost all its colours

DuckThe duck lurks in amongst the planting

MexicanThe Mexican sleeps among the plants and weeds

StatueMy daughter bought this at a charity auction and it has
now been in four different gardens

Most of these things that lurk in my garden have been bought for me by the family.  Some as jokes such as the gnome and the Mexican but all have special memories attached.

So what lurks in your garden today?

24 responses to “What Lurks in Your Garden?

  1. Wonderful !
    I love garden ornaments … just as well really since Rabbitt and Alice seem to be doing such a good job between them at “trimming” the bottom layer of the plants. I’ll follow up with an inspired post soon, thanks. 🙂


  2. oh what a beautiful garden you have, filled with precious memories, with mirth, and lovely colours. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    walk in beauty this day.


  3. Thanks for the tour of your garden.

    I just planted tomatoes, squash and marigolds in our container garden. Fingers crossed.


  4. I love the pictures of your garden – it’s so pretty and green! We have a few vegetable plants, but other than that, we let the desert landscape take over so we conserve water.


    • Thanks – I hadn’t realised that you lived in the desert. Lovely, wild areas that I have visited on occasion both in the US and in Australia. Can’t imagine what it would be like living there permanently though!


  5. jacquelincangro

    I don’t have a garden at all (does a potted plant on a fire escape count?) so I love to see all of your plantings and garden statues. I know gardens are a lot of work but there is so much reward. It’s so relaxing just being amongst the flowers.


    • A potted plant on a fire escape most certainly counts. My garden is tiny but I have filled the space with plants and have many pots also dotted around. Summer is coming Hoorah!


  6. Particulary like that sleeping mexican.


  7. Looks like not much hail damage, thank goodness. 🙂 And lots of green!


  8. I love seeing what other people have added to their gardens! It inspires me. Unfortunately, winter is coming and I’ve had to put all my little garden decor away. I hope your summer brings many beautiful blooms!


    • Winters are not too hard here and so we leave all the garden items out year round. Thanks for the comment. After a dreary winter I am looking forward to summer.:)


  9. I don’t have a garden, so I must enjoy yours! Thank you for sharing. We live in a condo, upstairs unit. My husband has planted a couple of pots here and there with the kids, but nothing last too long. We always take a long trip (like our month long driving vacation over the summer) or it’s too hot, or we forget to water the plants, etc. However, out of 4, 2 of them are still doing really well. Our carrotts and habanero peppers (which will be too hot to eat, anyway) are flourishing. It’s a good thing my husbands has done this with the kids, or they would not know what planting was…:)

    Love the “Mexican.” He’s taking a siesta!
    Lake Forest, CA USA


  10. Hi Sandi and thanks for the comment. It is a very small garden – well a patio surrounded by some planting if I am telling the truth. But I enjoy pottering around but DON’T enjoy weeding. 🙂


  11. Love the pictures from your garden and the statue that reminds you of your sister is really cool and unique looking! I like it!
    My first thought of the bird without a tail using the pot to hold it up was how it reminds me of how each of you sometimes need a “pot” or person to hold us up when we lose a part of ourselves…metaphorically. 🙂


    • The two women with their hair joined always remind me of my sisters. And did so from the first time I set eyes on the statue.
      Good point about the bird and the pot. I hadn’t thought of that but it is so true. We all need help from time to time; and aren’t we lucky that we can not only ask for help and receive it, but sometimes offer help to others too.


  12. Pingback: Garden gifts « Photographic Memories

  13. I have a little rabbit sculpture that sits in a bed of snow-on-the-mountain. Miss Utility came and spray-painted where cables are run underground, so the garden center can plant a tree for us this week. I found the bunny knocked over, out into the yard. I blamed those doing the marking, but there was an opossum in our yard last night. Either one could have been the culprit.


    • I don’t know snow-on-the-mountain but then as I have already said, I am not a gardener. And Miss Utility? And the Garden Centre will plant a tree for you? Obviously, you are a well loved member of your community. 😀


  14. Pingback: Garden gifts | Photographic Memories

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