Daily Archives: October 8, 2011

Six Word Saturday

I discovered Six Word Saturday last week and so this is my first attempt.

As I understand it, one has to describe an event in just six words and then expand on it or not as one wishes.  So here goes


Water-polo match

My grandsons lives are so busy that we rarely have time to get together.  Two of them are great water-polo players and this weekend they are both in a competition.  So I was invited to go to watch.  Water-polo is quite an interesting spectator sport particularly after somebody (in this case my daughter) explains the finer points to you.

My youngest grandson plays in both the under-12 team and the under-14 team while his brother plays in the under-14.  The youngest one played four games today and will have four to play tomorrow.  But they won all four games – hoorah! hoorah!


My daughter manages the under-12 team and when I arrived she was in the midst of a confrontation with another manager about the rules covering children playing in two teams for the same club.  Fortunately, the competition convener arrived and straightened things out so that my youngest grandson and three other boys were able to compete in both teams.

It is about a year since I last sat through several water-polo matches, but it is a very social day and most enjoyable.  And so today was spent making more memories!

“The water is your friend.
You don’t have to fight with water,
just share the same spirit as the water,
and it will help you move. ”
Aleksandr Popov
1971 –
Russian Olympic gold-winning swimmer.

And I just couldn’t resist including this quote. So shoot me!

“We swim because we are too sexy for a sport
that requires clothes.”
~Author Unknown