Daily Archives: February 17, 2012

Another Award

“The older you get, the more awards you get. So, if you live long enough, then you get all the awards eventually.”
Kirk Douglas

sunshine blog award

My friend Dor at Technicolor Day Dreams has nominated me for the Sunshine Blog Award for which I thank her.

This is the first time I have received this particular award.  We are told that it  is supposed to be given to “bloggers who are inspirational, and who have impacted your blogging or your life.”   Wow!  How’s that for giving one a warm and fuzzy feeling?

Of course, each award comes with certain requirements.  This one has questions to be answered:

Favourite colour:  
Favourite animal:
Favourite number:

Favourite non-alcoholic drink:

Facebook or Twitter?
My passion:
Getting or giving presents?
Favourite pattern: 
Favourite day of the week:
Favourite flower:

I have waxed lyrical told my feelings on these awards in the past.  And as usual I shall respectfully  manipulate change the rules to suit me.

  • Why anyone would be interested in my responses to these questions is a mystery to me and therefore, gracefully decline to answer them.
  • I nominate all of the bloggers in my blog roll for this award.

Once again I trust that I am not upsetting anybody with this post.  I am overwhelmed by the number of people who read and like my posts,  the number who faithfully follow, those who comment and those who so generously nominate me for these awards.  Thank you all, sincerely.


My rainbow

  • Awards (growingyoungereachday.wordpress.com)