Dumb and Dumber

One of my cardinal rules is I never allow anybody to put me down, but just occasionally I do something very odd strange daft that even I begin to wonder about me.

I have complained since before I had my accident and my leg in a plaster, that I had no sound on my computer and that the second screen didn’t work.  My son, the computer nerd (does my son the doctor sound better?) who’s so very busy has taken until now to get around to looking at the computer and sorting it out for his mother.

A Round Tuit

Never again will he have an excuse because he now has a round tuit

I arrived home from the hospice on Thursday to find my son and his youngest son in the house, with my son listening to a cricket match on my computer.  When I asked what he had done to make  the sound and the second larger screen work, he replied “I plugged it in”.  Apparently when I  moved the computer around some time ago, somehow the larger screen had become unplugged and apparently this is what also houses the sound for the computer.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Via Wikipedia

Unfortunately, I don’t look anything like Marilyn but I do like her quote

Don’t you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn’t marry a girl just because she’s pretty, but my goodness, doesn’t it help?
As “Lorelei Lee” in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

As an aside (and a random thought) my sister once told a man at an hotel swimming pool “She’s the pretty one but she’s not very bright”.  Can you believe that my older sister would say that about me?

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and if you didn’t receive a Valentine’s card please accept this one

Valentine card

Antique Valentine’s card via Wikipedia

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in over 100 countries around the world, but without the bonus of having a day off work.  How do you celebrate this day?  Do you give and receive gifts or is it just another day?

I have a friend whose birthday is today and as with my niece whose birthday is in 2 days time, she probably thought that all the flowers, hearts etc were to celebrate her birthday when she was little.

And another funny from my sister in LA (sent to her by her Australian friend).  Not really a blonde joke but close.

A young woman was pulled over for speeding.
As a policeman walked to her car window flipping open his ticket book, she said “I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the Policeman’s Ball”
To which he replied “New Zealand Policemen don’t have balls”
There was a moment of silence while she just smiled and he realised what he had said.
He then closed his book, got back into his patrol car and left.
She was laughing too hard to start her car.


Photo – Ed Dear

26 responses to “Dumb and Dumber

  1. it’s always funny when someone other than me does something like this. My brothers pat me on the hand and say “our sister, the blonde” my kids say “that’s our momm”. heh heh.


  2. Sigh. You are not alone! I’ve have done things comparable to the unplugged computer too many times to count. I’m a constant source of amusement for my husband and family. I’d say it’s just part of our charm!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too. I’m not sure what my husband has in store for me, but I would be very happy with chocolate – my favorite food. He’s getting a gift card to a restaurant since he does all of the cooking. After 20+ years of marriage, we don’t get too crazy with the holiday.


  3. Smart kids have a way of making us feel dumb, don’t they? And thanks for the round tuit. I really need it.


  4. I love the Round Tuit Button! And the antique Valentine Card! And this very funny post. Thanks Judith.


  5. Christine in Los Angeles

    “… pretty, but not very bright” I think you should explain you were having a hard time opening the security gate, erected to prevent children getting to the hotel’s pool area.
    God bless, from your big sister


  6. The joke was hilarious, Judith. And the fact that you just had to plug in part of your computer… priceless!! I’m sure your son had a bit of fun explaining it to you. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day!


  7. Oh I love it, not plugged it ! Welcome to my world, I thought I was the only one there. 😀


  8. Oh, Judith, I’m still laughing. Thank you for the policeman joke–and for the valentine.


  9. You put a smile on my face Judith–thank you!


  10. Thanks for the smiles! Glad the computer problems turned out to have an easy fix. (Amazing what electricty will too, eh?) I do/say lots of dumb things, so I don’t think that error was that bad at all.

    Nice policeman joke…hadn’t seen that one before 🙂


    • Amazing what switching on the power can do. And I wondered about the policeman joke – whether it would be a trifle too risque for a blog. But if anybody objects they haven’t told me yet. 🙂


  11. G’Day! Growingyoungereachday,
    Thanks for the above, my dad was born in malta and is maltese, my mum is british and was born in britain. i may sound dumb or whatever but is maltese a different race? if so, does that make me mixed race because im half maltese?
    I’ll be back to read more next time


  12. Glad your computer is working again. I like it when it’s a simple fix.


  13. Pingback: Really, Dumb and Dumber?? « Krissy Krabtree

  14. Pingback: Restore | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

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