A new friend

I love making friends, either in person or more often recently, in the blogosphere.  And this happened earlier this week.

In Six Word Saturday last week, I wrote about Charlie Fox,  Zoe Sharp’s leading lady/protagonist.  Charlie Fox is a British ex-soldier, has taught self-defence  and in this book,  is a Bodyguard.  I reviewed the book “First Drop” telling how riveting the story was and how I sat all day reading.

Imagine my surprise and delight when one of those commenting on my blog was Zoe Sharp herself!  How cool is that? And after I responded to thank her she then posted another comment.  I am blown away that an author of this calibre would read my blog and also take the trouble to comment.  Oh I know she probably has a reader and a search tool or person for anything that mentions Charlie Fox or Zoe Sharp but still… You can read the post and Zoe’s comments by clicking here.

And as further icing on the cake, Zoe mentions my blog on her website – http://www.zoesharp.com/homepage.htm.  Thank you, thank you. 

Also on Zoe’s homepage is a snippet – “Word of the Week.  This week’s is anchorite, or anchoret, which means a man or woman who has withdrawn from the world especially for religious reasons; a recluse, from which we get anchorage, a recluse’s cell or a place to withdraw from the world.”  I haven’t come across this word before so not only have I a new friend, but also have learned a new word.  Thank you again Zoe.

And I am currently reading “Hard Knocks” so expect a review of this book very soon.

Book cover - Hard Knocks

Temper is never the best thing to wear to a confrontation.  It has a nasty habit of disintegrating into tatters just when you need its protection most and the colour has never suited me.
Charlie Fox in Hard Knocks by Zoe Sharp

44 responses to “A new friend

  1. cool! you (and your blog) are going places!


  2. Congratulations! Now that’s a nice visit.
    I remember last year when American poet Miriam Sagan visited my site. I walked on air for several days after her encouraging words.


  3. Her comments were so nice. I’m glad she takes the time to recognize her readers…nice touch 🙂


  4. How nice for both of you!


  5. Thank you again for the kind words, Judith. I like to lurk all over the place… And readers are always VIPs. Without them, we are just talking to an empty room 🙂


    • You are welcome Zoe. The comments I made are real and I do appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to read and comment. BTW I have subscribed so that I receive your newsletter as they come out.
      I am still loving that Feisty Charlie Fox. Thanks. 🙂


  6. Marianne London UK

    Oh how lovely to have the actual Author acknowledge your blog. Well Sister I have never read her books but I will go to the library and get them out. If Zoe Sharpe can be bothered to write to you she must be a very nice person.X


  7. Christine in Los Angeles

    “Ace New Zealand blogger” — well, Marianne and I have always known you are an ace, but it’s nice that others notice, too.
    God bless, Ace … Christine


  8. Marianne London UK

    From now on Christine and I will call you ACE XXXXX


  9. I too love making new friends, in person or in the blogosphere. How wonderful to have an author acknowledge you!


    • Hi Darlene – I never thought it would happen and I am still twirling with excitement. What a very nice person Zoe sharp must be to take the time to acknowledge a blogger. 🙂


  10. oh how wonderful. I’m on the lookout for her books as my local library doesn’t have any copies.


    • Thanks and it gets even better. I subscribed to her newsletter and received a personalised email with this PS “We at Zoë’s team have just become aware of your charming website and blog. And, Goodness! what a buzz your review of First Drop has created! I know that Zoë has told you of the link from her current blog to your review. I wonder if she mentioned that yesterday we also added it to the First Drop reviews page: http://www.zoesharp.com/fdukrevw.htm.” What can I say but Wow!


  11. I always knew you and your blog were special! Now everybody else does too. And how thrilled you must be to correspond with a favorite author. The new adventures and connections in cyberspace never end. 🙂


  12. Congratulations, Judith! And as I read your reply to Crowning Crone Joss, I see the excitement continues. I respond to your question, “How cool is that?” with the answer, “Very cool, indeed.”


  13. Nice people attract nice people!


  14. That is wonderful news, Judith! I love the quote you closed with. Will have to check into her books. 🙂


  15. You add the best touches. 😉


  16. Hi Judith
    Thank you again for all your kind words, and for seeking me out on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads! It’s lovely to make all these interwoven connections with people who love to read 😉


  17. Thank you Zoe. I have finished Hard Knocks and am half way through Road Kill. So more reviews coming up.
    I am becoming addicted to Charlie and her adventures – I think I would have liked to be her many many years ago. Second Shot and Third Strike are sitting patiently waiting for me to get to them 🙂


  18. Pingback: Hard Knocks | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  19. Wow! How cool is that!


  20. Coming East has taken the words right out of my mouth, Judith — “Wow, how cool is that!”

    Thank you again


  21. Oh yes, Judith — I’m practically stalking you now 🙂


  22. “blogger extraordinaire” indeed. 🙂


  23. Pingback: Stalking Charlie Fox | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  24. Pingback: Wet Wild Windy Wellington Weekend | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  25. Pingback: Well Read on Wednesday | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

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