A Special Day

“Birthdays are good for you.  Statistics show that the
people who have the most live the longest. ”
Larry Lorenzoni”

February 29th is a day like any other for most of us but imagine if this is your birthday.  As a small child you would have wondered why everyone else celebrates a special day each year; so would your mother and father decide that you would celebrate on the day before or the day after the 29th?

Aeons ago, when I was at school, we had a girl who had been born on February 29th.  Her parents had told her how very special this made her and in the days leading up to the 29th she was insufferable.  I am not sure how we treated her in the three years that she didn’t have a birthday but I am sure that we repaid her for her superiority in the fourth.  Teenage girls…

I have a special blogging friend, Lenore Diane whose birthday is March 1st.  Luckily she missed the 29th February day if in fact she was born in a leap year.  So happy birthday for tomorrow Lenore Diane.

In yesterday’s post Lenore posed the question ‘do I know you?’  As she says, we have many virtual friends now in the bogging world.  After beginning my blog on March 1 last year and somehow attracting people to it, I now consider those with whom I interact in this way, either regularly or infrequently as the case may be, as my friends.

Oh I wouldn’t know you if I passed you in the street – unlikely because I live so far away from most of you – but I feel connected to you because you share your thoughts and feelings so openly with me/us.


So on this special day I should like to say Thank You to everybody whose blogs I follow and to those who follow mine.  I feel that I have come to know many of you during the year.  I have learned a little about your lives that in many instances are so different to mine, and some whose lives run on almost parallel lines.  I shall continue to read and comment on your blogs (that is if WordPress and Akismet ever get their acts together to allow me to comment again).

I look forward to another enjoyable year reading and learning more about you.

As I am going to be away for the next few days there will be no posts on this blog.  But I shall be back after the wedding with much to share with  you.

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27 responses to “A Special Day

  1. Hello Judith. I never thought about birthdays on Feb. 29th! Also, happy and thankful that you are my blogging friend. I think we run on “parallel paths”. Did want you to know that one of your comments (the one about telling my grandchildren not to throw the book away) wound up in Spam. I was surprised and marked it “not spam” of course, but I don’t think I was able to answer it. Technology can be frustrating at times…..


    • Hi Dor – I am sure we run on parallel paths. Last week when I had a whole day catching up on blogs, reading and commenting, I found that my comments weren’t being recorded and then discovered through Elizabeth at Mirth and Motivation that they probably ended in SPAM because I had sent too many comments at the same time.
      I still have the problem so am encouraging all my blogging friends to go to their SPAM folder to check if there is something there.
      And you can answer the comment – after marking it not spam it will go into the pending comments where you can approve and respond.


  2. Congratulations on a year of blogging. Happy to be your friend in the blogosphere! Can’t wait to hear about the wedding. Have fun.


  3. I can’t believe you’ve only been blogging a year. You are such a prolific blogger! Enjoy the wedding.


  4. It has been lovely to get to know you as well! Enjoy your time away!


  5. An old family friend celebrates her 21st birthday on 29 February this year – she is, of course, actually 84. An ambition achieved – she has always wanted to be 21! Sadly, no great celebration as her health and that of her 90-year-old husband isn’t so good, but I’m sure there’ll be champagne!


  6. Aren’t you sweet?! Yes, yes you are. Thank you for the happy birthday wishes, Judith. You’ve truly warmed my heart.

    I am certain the wedding will be a very fun event for you and everyone else. If the hen party was any indication of the fun these people enjoy having, then I can only imagine the wedding celebration (or AFTER celebration). Glad you can celebrate without Santa’s boot!



    • You are welcome and I hope your birthday is great. No doubt your boys will make it really special.

      I have been looking forward to this wedding for ages and mean to enjoy myself. So…watch this space!


  7. Happy blog birthday! I consider those I’ve met through blogging as my friends too. Have a wonderful time at the wedding. 🙂


  8. Christine in Los Angeles

    Happy Anniversary to Yoooooo.
    And, on the subject of Leap Year birthdays – one of Gilbert & Sullivan’s works (Pirates of Penzance, I think) has a main character who’s birthday is February 29, and he’s apprenticed ’til his 21st birthday — well, you see where that ends up.
    Enjoy the wedding.
    God bless, Christine


  9. Same here, Judith. It’s been lovely getting to know you over this past year. Happy Anniversary on your blog from my corner of Brooklyn to yours.
    I hope you enjoy the wedding.


  10. Are you still having trouble posting? Hopefully it will work properly when you return. I hope you have a wonderful time! I like to think of all the people I’ve met blogging as friends, too.


  11. Happy blog-versary. It seems like you’ve been blogging for longer than one year! I hope you enjoy the wedding and look forward to your post(s) about it 🙂


  12. I don’t know anyone with a Feb 29th birthday at all; rather surprising… 😉


    • Well apart from that girl at school I have only met one other 29th February person. And he went on to be Governor General of NZ so perhaps he was special – btw he was a lovely man.


  13. Glad you’re still enjoying the journey, Judith. Hope the wedding was FUN.


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