Daily Archives: January 21, 2012

Memories Crowding In…

Many memories are crowding in today
Of days and people from my past.
Mother and Father now both dead
And two sisters on the other side of the world.
How very strong and important are the memories of our years together.

Then memories of meeting my soul mate and
Moving around the world to far distant places
where we knew nobody and nobody knew us.
And memories of my own children growing up in these far places
Far away from my family and friends who had helped
form me into the woman I was then.

Making new friends wherever we went
How important those friends were to me.
Many of those friends are still in my life today
and have helped form me into the woman I am now.
But where have all the other friends,
Once  so important in my life
Disappeared to?
I try to imagine their lives
Are they so very different to my own?
Are they still married to their first loves?
Or have they moved on to other people, other lives
And other responsibilities?
While I will never know the answers
I know that these people were important to me for a while
And live on in my memories, forming a major part of those memories.

Friends come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  I wrote about this before click here.  Cherish your friends; make time for them and recognise those who are in your life for a lifetime.

Two quotes from that earlier post and I love them both:

Love maybe blind but friendship is clairvoyant.  Author Unknown.  And

“Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.”-Jewish saying