Doctors, Driving and Drivel

We’ll get back to Sandy and her story in a day or two after she lets me know what happened next.

Meantime, this morning I left a warm Wellington to take a six hour drive to Tauranga in The Bay of Plenty.  Supposedly this is the  sunny, hot centre of New Zealand.

Tauranga is on the east coast and is a favourite place for retirees mainly because of the laid back lifestyle and more particularly the climate. Well this year the south is where all the good weather has been. Tauranga and the Bay have been besieged with rain, rain and even more rain.

But before leaving Wellington I had to visit the doctor  I’m one of the lucky ones who take no medication except an anti histamine for an allergy.  So my doctor isn’t going to get rich on me but he’s always pleased to see me   A very sore right shoulder has been diagnosed as a rotator cuff tear/injury.  So no quick fix    A recommendation to a physiotherapist and an X-ray if the physio doesn’t fix it. Then perhaps a cortisone or steroid injection. As my 90 year old friend used to say “growing old ain’t for the faint hearted”.

So back to my journey and the reasons for it.  As if I haven’t only just completed my own move I was off to help a friend who has sold one house in Auckland and is now moving the furniture to her current house in Tauranga   My role in this is to be at the receiving property when the furniture arrives  So an easy role.

The  further north I drove the more the weather deteriorated; overcast most of the time but about an hour before I  reached my destination the skies opened and it poured and  some two hours later it’s still raining.

So I think it’s an early night with my book.  On Friday I wrote about Dead Wood by Dan Ames  I have just bought the next book in the series “Hard Rock”.  With my sore shoulder it’s much easier to read on my iPad than to read holding a book.  Let you know what I think of this sequel later.

“”What is the use of a book “said Alice “without pictures or conversations””                   Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderlans





19 responses to “Doctors, Driving and Drivel

  1. I love your 90 year old friends quote! My dad would say things like that. How kind of you to help out your friend in spite of the inclement weather. Enjoy your book!


  2. I’m so sorry about your shoulder and hope the physio gets you some relief.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


  3. I do not like driving through rain. I’m glad you arrived safely at your destination. Thanks!


  4. Your 90-year-old friend has been the deciding vote. I’ve decided not to get old.


  5. I hate, absolutely hate driving in the rain. Please rest that arm and do everything physiotherapist tells you to heal your shoulder.


  6. I’ve had shoulder troubles before, you have my sympathies. I had to go through almost six months of physical therapy. I hope your ailment isn’t as stubborn.


  7. I hope for warm pj’s and a good book until the weather opens up!


  8. Good luck on improving the shoulder!


  9. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope they are able to get you some relief. And yet, you are off to help someone else. You’re a blessing! I hope your second book was a good as the first.


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