Daily Archives: January 10, 2016

Sunday Scribbling

Yesterday I received an email telling me that Linda Cassidy Lewis’ book Forever  had been selected for publication by Kindle Press.  I had read the opening pages and so nominated the book for publication.  As a thank those of us who nominated Linda’s book are to receive a free copy prior to publication.

Of course I immediately went over to her blog to congratulate her.   And I read her latest post.

And I saw that she too had a tea set, somewhat like mine but I suggest hers is from an earlier time.


Linda’s tea set

And what a beautiful tea set it is.

Linda comments in her blog post “Pictured above is the beautiful tea set for one that a sister-in-law sent me during my recovery from surgery last year. This year, I want to make it a habit to sit quietly once a day and sip delicious tea from that cup as I daydream amazing stories to write.”

While my comment to her was –  “I too have a three piece tea set like yours. A different pattern of course. It’s my go to when I need comfort, cheering up, and for when inspiration is lacking. And of course, just for a cup of Lady Grey. I do think it helps me to be productive.”

Here’s my tea set


I hope that Linda follows through with her plans for the year and in particular her plan to sit quietly once a day with a cup of tea from the beautiful tea set while her heart soars and the stories arrive in her head almost ready written.

In any event, I shall continue to follow this amazing author.  Have you read the three books already published?

  • The Brevity of Roses
  • Illusion of Trust
  • High Tea and Flip Flops

If you can get your hands, or your Kindle on one or all of them I urge you to do so.  They are all very well worth reading.

“It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.”
Erma Bombeck