Thoughts on Thursday

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Today being Thursday, Bella and I made our usual trip to the Hospice.  I have said so many times how impressed I am with the total dedication of all the staff, Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, Assistants and cleaners.  They all go out of their way to treat their clients with respect,  and do all they can to make the client’s life more comfortable.

And each Thursday I am joined in lunch duty by a retired bank manager.  He is one of those cheery little men who always has joke, pun or a story to share.  He has apparently been volunteering at the Hospice since his retirement some 15 years ago.  He not only does lunch duty on Thursday but serves on a couple of the committees as the volunteers’ representative.

Today was a Thursday much like any other.  Unfortunately there had been a death this morning so the atmosphere was rather subdued.  But none of the other clients would have been aware of the death.  This part of the operation is handled so well – dignified and respectful in all aspects.

Once again I was approached by a couple of visitors who commented on the great service being offered. Of course, I thought they meant the staff and quickly agreed that we were so lucky to have the free services of the hospice and that the staff was  fantastic.  They surprised me by saying that it was not the staff but the volunteers they were commenting on.  Isn’t it nice when you do something with no expectation of any reward and then receive compliments.

As you know, I always say that I get more out of the 2 hours I spend at the hospice each week than they get from me.  However, it is nice to be appreciated.

There were few clients today and so the lunch service took little over an hour and we were out of there earlier than usual.  So Miss Bella and I went for a walk before meeting my daughter for coffee.

Oh I really do like Thursday.

true, true, true

18 responses to “Thoughts on Thursday

  1. Pinned you on my Emotional Fitness Board Practice Kindness. Thank you for sharing.


    • Thank you Katherine. My visit to the hospice each week is something I look forward to. Sadly, three of the people who were there on Thursday have now passed away. But there will be others to chat to when I go this week.


  2. I think it’s great that you do this volunteering every Thursday and that you like it so much. This cheery old gentleman has done it for 15 years already and is also on committees. Well, this is really something. You’re right, it’s nice to be appreciated.


  3. I’ve always admired the people who work and volunteer at Hospices. They are an inspiration in so many ways. I’m glad you got verbally appreciated. You richly deserve it


  4. winsomebella

    I can say that the people who cared for my mother in her last days were true angels…….thank goodness for hospice. I can see why you enjoy your Thursdays, Judith 🙂


    • I am overwhelmed at the caring way in which everyone is treated by all members of the hospice community. And I am glad that your mother’s final days were made a little better Stacia.


  5. Happy Thursday! It is sonice to be able to give back isn’t it. Thanks for the work you do


  6. I’m so glad Bella has fallen right in step with you and shares your visits/service. I imagine most are happy to have a pet visit.


  7. A Thursday of purpose, of praise, of joy in the moment, of being present to others, whether two or four legged, topped up with coffee with your daughter. A magical day!


  8. I keep thinking I should do volunteering. St Joseph hospice is in Mare Street That is where Bill passed away they were so good. Maybe I could pay them back some way. My neighbour on the estate does one day a week there I am going to ask her about it.


    • Hello small sister. I am sure you will be welcomed as a volunteer. I only do a couple of hours on a Thursday but as you can see from my blogs I really get a lot back from doing this.


  9. I used to take our first golden retriever, Chloe, to a local hospice as a pets as therapy dog every Thursday afternoon. She loved all the attention and the oldies who used to have pets or working dogs, would give her cuddles or pats and remember old times. One lady didn’t like dogs at all but that was alright too, because as she would tell me every week “I cant stand dogs but I do like a cat” 🙂 Great to have the opportunity to give something back. Joy


    • Thanks for the comment Joy. I really do enjoy the couple of hours I spend each Thursday. Sometimes we are sad when somebody dies but when that happens the other clients are not even aware of it and everybody goes on in the usual fashion.
      Bella will no doubt, enjoy being the centre of attention each Thursday.


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