The Bonnets – Part 2

Did you read yesterday’s post.  No I meant the part after my rant about WordPress.  Sallyann set a challenge for me :-


Photo thanks to Sallyann at Photographic Memories

Click on the photo to go to Sallyann’s post.

Daisie had planned to go to her grandmother’s for tea that day.  However, she had a call from her friend Charlotte inviting her to a 1950’s party that weekend. The requirement was to dress up in 1950s clothes and to do this the girls had to go to a party hire shop to find the right clothes.

A telephone call to Maisie (who really hadn’t been expecting her granddaughter that afternoon) quickly established that Maisie wouldn’t be on her own as Juliet and Imogen were coming round for tea.

The two girls set off in high spirits.  They knew most of the people who would be at the party and were looking forward to meeting them again and perhaps meeting a few new and interesting people.

Unlike her grandmother and friends, these girls were used to finding their own way around town.  They were used to hopping on and off buses and tube trains.  They quickly worked out the best way to travel across town to reach the party hire shop.  All through the journey they talked and made plans, each outdoing the other in what they thought they would like to wear.

Shop closed sign

But what a disappointment.  They arrived only to find the shop closed for the day.  They hadn’t thought of phoning first having assumed all shops were open every day.  So they took themselves off for lunch and a discussion on where else they might find some 1950s clothes.

Suddenly, Daisie had a bright idea.  Wouldn’t Maisie, who was known to be a bit of a hoarder, have some clothes from that era?  Finishing their lunch they retraced their steps across town and arrived at Maisie’s in time for tea and in time to meet the Terrible Trio all together. Of course, Daisie had met them all before and had seen them all together, but for Charlotte it was a trifle overwhelming.

Having had a jolly good tea with the three women, Daisie broached the subject of clothes to her grandmother.  Maisie enthusiastically entered into the swing of things, telling the girls that she did indeed have some clothes that might fit the bill, and also encouraging her friends to seek out what they still had.  It was agreed that the girls would return the next day for lunch with the three women and that would give them plenty of time to try on the clothes and choose whatever was suitable.  And being Daisie she reminded the other two women that hats were required.

1950s dresses

The next day dawned bright and sunny and the two girls met up to go to Maisie’s for lunch.  They were excited thinking about what clothes could possibly be on offer.  Of course, the women would have been older than the girls were now in the 1950s but nevertheless they were sure they would find something suitable to wear.

And what a lovely surprise they had.  On entering Maisie’s house they saw two very large suitcases parked in the hall and heard the chatter of female voices coming from the morning room.  They let themselves in and found the friends reminiscing about the 50s.

Lunch over the women and girls got down to the task of trying on and choosing clothes.  Maisie, as expected, had a hoard of dresses, jackets and hats to add to the two suitcases that were brought in from the hall by Jackson the maid.

What fun they all had.  Much giggling when clothes that were so outdated in 2005 were tried on.  But eventually they each decided on a dress, jacket or coat, shoes and of course a hat.  And what very pretty hats these were.  Not the sensible hats that were on display in the milliners just around the corner from Juliet’s house but concoctions of lace and flowers.  Any woman would smile if she were wearing one of these.

Tea was served by Jackson and then, clutching their trophies the two young women left the house.  As they made their way to their homes, they congratulated themselves on being so inventive.

The day of the party dawned…..

Related posts:

Hats On
Hats On Again
New Hats
The Beach

14 responses to “The Bonnets – Part 2

  1. I’ve just arrived home from work and put the kettle on. I’ll be off to bed shortly, what a wonderful story to take into my dreams with me.
    😀 😀 😀


  2. Playing dress up sounds fun! So, is there going to be an update on how the party turned out, or is it left to our imaginations?


  3. Pingback: The Bonnet – Part 3. | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  4. Pingback: The Bonnets – Lost | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  5. Pingback: Cars | Photographic Memories

  6. I’m enjoying your bonnet story, Judith. Very much. 🙂


  7. Pingback: Found at last | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  8. Pingback: Hats and Bonnets | Photographic Memories

  9. Pingback: Keeping Promises | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  10. Pingback: I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  11. Pingback: K is for Keeping Promises | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

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