Tag Archives: Blog award


Over the past couple of weeks I have been presented with some awards by my fellow bloggers.  As I have said before I am honoured that you think me worthy of these awards.

  • My friend the Island Traveler graciously awarded me the Liebster award.  Do go over to his site to follow his journey and read about his delightful son.
  • Jean at Moonlightened Way has awarded me the One Lovely Blog award.  This is a new blog to which I have subscribed and I encourage you to take a look at her blog.  She writes with joy and feeling on several subjects.  It’s worth a look!
  • Jean also tagged me for Mrs Sparkly’s Ten Commandments.  This looks like fun.
  • Dor at Technicolor Day Dreams gave me two awards – the Versatile Blogger and the Candlelighter.  Dor is a source of enjoyment to me.  I read her blogs and know that if we lived in the same continent we could be friends in real life.  Take a look at her blog.

Each award comes with a list of things you have to do and as I am totally overwhelmed with all the things on my To Do List I gratefully and I hope graciously accept all the awards with a big thank you.  But I make my own rules for the acceptance.

  1. I thank the blogger who nominated me –
  2. I direct people to their blog –
  3.  I choose not to tell 7, 10 or however many things about me as I am sure those who follow my blog don’t want to know any more about me.  For those who do please see my post  – In Accepting This Award 
  4. I nominate everyone on my blog roll for these awards and all of the other bloggers I follow who haven’t yet been added to my list. 

So there you have it.  Thank you once again for these awards and thank you to all on my blog roll for making my day brighter with your blogs and giving me much to think about and ponder upon.