Daily Archives: May 16, 2022

Lady in Park, Moon in the Sky

A World Apart

I took a walk the other day in one of my favourite places on earth, Victoria Park in Kitchener. It’s about a 15 minute walk from where I live.

It was a hot day at 28C so I took a wee lunch of an apple and a can of sparkling water and sat for a time at a picnic table writing.

One very bossy duck provided entertainment.

I sat on a bench soaking up the sounds and smells of a day in the park and watched, and felt.

I always pay homage to those for whom the benches are name. If there is one post life-exit thing I would like it would be a bench. Hmmm what should it say?

This one dedicated to Georgina Milley.

And then I saw this:

I stopped to take photos and a lovely young girl, perhaps in her early 20’s stopped to chat to…

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