
“and there was a new voice which you slowly
recognized as your own, that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper into the world,
determined to do the only thing you could do —
determined to save the only life you could save.”


Today I read this post “I Have aVoice “from Joss at Depth of a Woman.  I immediately responded in the comments section – Another good post and as Mary Oliver says in The Journey “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice “

The quote above is also part of the same poem by Mary Oliver.  As Joss says, we are all held up at some time in our life by these voices, whether from friends, acquaintances or others, or even that voice in our own subconscious.  These voices choose to manipulate us and it’s only once we recognise that, that we are able to move forward.

So today I urge you to ignore those voices and take the first or the next, step on your journey.  Only you can determine where you are going.

OK Life Coach hat off for the day!


And today the sun is shining here so no excuses for not getting out and walking or maybe even doing some work in the garden.  Since last year’s adventure, I have had a team of people who come in every 4 weeks to weed, mow the lawn, clip hedges etc.  They also plant for me.  But though I am in no way a gardener, I miss doing some of these things.  So today I am going to pot the plants I bought yesterday (in the pouring rain) and then after a visit to the audiologists (one result from the adventure) I shall return to sit in the garden with my book and a cup of tea.  How’s that for a good plan for the day.


16 responses to “Voices

  1. That sounds marvelous to sip a cup of tea in the garden while reading.


  2. Wonderful day and wonderful post!


  3. Reblogged this on bridgesburning and commented:
    There was a new voice…..


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  5. That sounds like a good plan Judith. Moving forward at your own pace. There are plenty of family and friends with a voice, some which will match yours word for word from love, but still, yours is the voice to listen to.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


  6. And when we join or lift our voices together? Oh my.


  7. Sounds like a great plan! Joss always has a good voice…and so do you. May you have a great day!


  8. We need to stop listening to those voices. Or replace them with the You can do it voices. Enjoy your garden. I am about to do the same thing.


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