Easter Sunday

“The day that the rains came down
Mother Earth smiled again
Now the lilacs could bloom
Now the fields could grow greener”
Sung by Jane Morgan, American Sognstress

It has been a very unusual summer for those of us who live in Wellington.  Long,  hot sunny days with no rain.  In fact, it has been about 7 weeks since we had even a light drizzle.  But today was different.

Easter Sunday and the rain came down.  Good news for farmers and horticulturists; bad news for holiday makers.  It rained very heavily for a couple of hours and then passed, but I am sure we are all delighted to have had some rain today.

Easter Sunday is a strange day here in New Zealand.  The streets today were pretty much deserted.  Parking was freely available in the CBD (and yes as it is a Public Holiday parking is free). Trading laws allow some shops/retailers to open but not others.  Why we ask can dairies. pharmacies. Real Estate agencies. restaurants, takeaway bars and cafes and service stations trade but supermarkets, bakers and most other retailers have to close.  There are of course loud cries from retailers to amend these laws but as we have been hearing this for years, we don’t expect there to be any major changes in the near future.

But between the rain and the ludicrous trading laws here in NZ we found we had three very well attended Open Homes today.  So there is a bright side to this.

While I was at the Open Homes the beautiful Miss Bella stayed with a friend.  He really loves her almost as much as he loved Miss Lotte.  Apparently she takes some time to settle down when I leave her and when I return she is like a little wound up clockwork toy.  The excitement has to be seen to be believed.  I am amazed at how very quickly she has bonded with me.

And now as I type this she is fast asleep on the bed in the spare room.  I think she considers this her bed and I wonder how she will react when No 1 grandson comes to stay next week.

And please do take extra care on the roads this Easter wherever you are travelling to.  Last year we had a zero death road toll, but it’s not so good this year.  At 7.30 am today the road toll was 3 and the holiday period lasts until 6am on Tuesday 2 April.  Let’s hope the toll doesn’t increase.

15 responses to “Easter Sunday

  1. Good that you finally had a bit of rain. Peter just speaks to his sister in Berlin (Skype). She says there’s still snow in Berlin. The same in England. Very cold for this time of the year. We saw today our eight and a half months old great -grandson. It’s lovely to have a baby in he family again. Have a great time with your grandson when he comes o visit. Cheerio, Uta.


    • I am so happy for you. My grandsons are all teenagers so no babies in our family. Enjoy the little one while you can and I hope he lives close enough for you to see him often.
      I am looking forward to my No 1 grandson’s visit next week. Take care my friend.


  2. It is raining here too on Easter Sunday morning. By the way, I love Miss Bella and isn’t it wonderful that she loves you so completely so quickly?


    • It is wonderful the way she has bonded with me. She is like a little shadow. The other day I got out of the car to go into a shop and when I started walking towards it I looked down and there was Miss Bella at my feet. She is amazing. She doesn’t need to be on a lead when walking and just wants to be with me all the time.


  3. happy Easter to you an Bella. Have fun with No. 1 grandson. It rains here all the time but we were blessed with a rare sunny Easter weekend.


  4. I believe Miss Bella will enjoy having company to share her bed. I bet she wants you to sleep with her after he leaves!

    Happy Easter!



  5. It is late to wish you this dear Judith, but all the special blessings that come in this very time of year


  6. Oh you would never know it is Easter.I ‘m sure when we were young Easter was quite a nice warmish timein England. Remember our Mum always bought us new clothes. This year we had snow falling in London on Saturday and it was minus 5 c ery cold. I see you have your new friend she looks lovely. Love You XXX


    • Easter was a special time for us. Mum used to spring clean the house and on Good Friday we went to church in our new clothes. I don’t know when we stopped going to church and following the stations of the cross. Do you remember?
      The rain didn’t last very long and we have had a couple of short showers since and horrors, the clocks go back on Sunday – Into autumn and then winter. But we have had a fantastic summer so I shan’t complain.


  7. It will be interesting to see how Bella reacts to someone else sleeping in “her” bed. It is sad to see the holiday death tolls, that mingled into the spirit of the holiday for some will always be a sad reminder.


    • Last year we had a zero death toll over the holiday period. How awful for those left behind to be reminded each year.
      Bella sleeps on that bed only when I am working at the computer (like now). Otherwise she sleeps wherever she ants, including my bed at night time.


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