Yet More on the Bonnets

A few days ago I wrote about Promises to Keep and was reminded that several of my posts ended in To Be Continued..and in fact they never had been continued.  So I am making a concerted effort to make good and keep those promises made.

Today I shall start with the continuing saga of The Bonnets.  In case you don’t know this saga started in June when Sallyann of Photographic Memories wrote a post about some bonnets left in a taxi cab and suggested that I might come up with the answer to why they were there.

Bonnets in taxi

Photo thanks to Sallyann at Photographic Memories.
Click on the picture to go to Sallyann’s post.

If you are interested in reading this saga, the links will appear at the foot of this post.

Caroline Fortescue (more usually known as Daisie) borrowed a couple of her grandmother’s hats to go to a 1950s party with her friend Charlotte.  Of course, her grandmother Maisie was delighted to lend the girls a couple of hats and she and her two best friends Juliet and Imogen entered into the spirit and produced some hats of their own for the girls to choose which they preferred.

The party was a success (?) but when the girls awoke the next day the bonnets were missing and they had to confess to Maisie et al.  Another string of adventures followed while the bonnets were located but as is usually the case with Maisie and friends involved, all didn’t go smoothly.  In recovering the bonnets the two ladies stopped off for a light lunch before which they indulged in some shopping during which they each bought a new hat.  And you’ve guessed it, the new hats to which the two ladies had treated themselves were lost during the course of the day.

So now the story continues…Thomas   Stazyk commented after the last post “Yes . . . and what about that swarthy gentleman in the Panama hat seen lurking in the department store and later driving past Maisie’s in a late model sports car?” So that takes the story off in yet another direction.

After her two friends left, Maisie sat pondering the question of where were the new hats?  She remembered she and Juliet had them at lunch and was sure that they had taken them to the lost property office.  She recalled placing the bag containing the hats at her feet while she filled out the required form to take away the bonnets but had no recollection of what happened after that.  So the very next morning she called the lost property office and having spoken to the same very helpful young woman, found that the hats were indeed just where they had left them the day before.  Maisie thought to herself that any cleaner working for her would be instantly dismissed if she/he didn’t see such a large parcel on the floor when completing the evening cleaning tasks.

Anyway, so the bonnets were found and could be returned to their rightful owners.  Juliet was called as was Imogen.  Neither lady wished to upset their friend again in leaving her out of the adventure.  Then having agreed where to meet,  all three sallied forth yet again to recover their new hats and have a light luncheon before returning home.  And the swarthy gentleman?  Well that really does have to be the subject of yet another post.

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10 responses to “Yet More on the Bonnets

  1. Well I am hooked! Now don’t forget to follow up on that swarthy gent. Don’t you just love even saying the word Swarthy?


  2. Love the swarthy gent comment. Wonder who Thomas was thinking of.


  3. You have got me curious now about this swarthy gentleman in the Panama hat. Am looking forward to another post! At this stage your story might become a novel!


    • Hello Friend and thanks for the comment. You realise that this whole thing started many months ago with the story of the hats. Perhaps it could be refined into a novel – dreams are free!


  4. Wonderful ! 🙂
    I have something in mind for the weekend. Is it ok for me to use your original picture of Maisie and Juliet with their hats on please ?


    • The photo was from a card I received and I don’t know who has the copyright. But I used it and have received no objection from anyone so I guess it’s OK to use it. Loo0k forward to seeing what those gals get up to in your neck of the woods. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Hats and Bonnets | Photographic Memories

  6. Pingback: I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

  7. Pingback: On This Day | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

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