Daily Archives: April 2, 2020



“You can eat an elephant a bite at a time.”
Zig Ziiglar – Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar 1926 –2012.
American author, salesman and motivational speaker.

Enormity – definition Merriam Webster
Noun: a quality of momentous importance or impact
Pandemic – definition Merriam Webster
Nounoccurring over a wide geographic area and
affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population

We find ourselves overwhelmed by the enormity of the pandemic currently covering our wonderful world.  Life is very strange for all of us. We are in lockdown here in New Zealand as are  many others. We are learning to live and thrive in this strange new world. But –

But so much has been written about this that I should like to add a few bright thoughts that I have received since it all started.

I think this is my favourite

How about?

Hmhh!! Is that funny?






So there you have it. Not much from me, but plenty from clever friends around the world.

Take care: keep safe.

keep in touch 2