Ain’t Technology Great!



I’m so excited.  One of my earliest contacts in the blogosphere was Chris from bridgesburning.  Over the years we have formed a friendship and have sent each other messages via Messenger and also emails.  But today was a Red Letter Day.  Using our iPads I got to speak to my friend for the very first time.  We live 14,038 kms apart (according to our friend Google) and it was as if we were speaking/sitting in the same room.

She sounded exactly as I had thought she would.  Friendly and seemingly as pleased to speak to me as I was to speak to her.

What did we speak about?  Oh, inconsequential things that two women friends discuss.  We didn’t try to put the world right; to stem the flow of heroin or cocaine; to settle the conflicts in various parts of the world.  No.  We talked about families, and how we have each moved back from other places and how we were settling back into our old lives again.

So thank you Mr Technology whoever you are for giving us this opportunity.  This was the first but I’m sure it won’t be the last.  And next time we are going to see how we can make the video work.  Won’t that be fun?


Thanks to for the photo.

 And a couple of years ago while on a visit to London my sister and I met up with Sallyann from PhotographicMemories.  That was a fun filled day in Oxford and great to meet a fellow blogger in person.   I think my sister and Sallyann have met up for lunch since that day.

 “There is no distance too far between friends,
for friendship gives wings to the heart.”

20 responses to “Ain’t Technology Great!

  1. On some very odd occasions I’ve been able to speak to family members using SKYPE and my videocam has made the interaction easy and comfortable. The distances just seem to melt away and not matter.
    It must be fantastic to connect with blogger pals that way after just connecting via blogs until then.It makes what you read more real after that.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    • Super! I am using messenger version of What’s App, Skype and iMessanger. Man I am so connected! I would like to connect someday using all these futuristic tools. I remember as a child being fascinated with Dick Tracy’s watch. Amazing.


      • this is very odd. The first reply was to David but I see it has been moved below this one. WordPress again! And aren’t you a really connected Grannie. Hope the baby has arrived. Going over to your site to check on progress


    • Yes my sister and I connect on Skype but why did I never think of connecting with my mates in the blogosphere this way before? It was exciting to hear Chris’ voice after all this time. Hugs from this side of the worldxxxx


  2. Yes indeed, I remember when a young friend emigrated from England to Australia in the 1950’s – the family had to pre-book a Christmas phone call in October, and even then the line was poor with a time lag of several seconds. We’ve come a long way!


  3. It was fantastic that you could talk to each other.


  4. Technology is great! I can keep in close touch with my family in Canada making the move to Spain much easier. The most amazing thing is Skyping with my 87 year old mom who is in a care home. She loves it! Who would have thought. It is wonderful to meet blogging friends face to face.


  5. Yes, technology is great! I remember when our family got our first phone out in the country. Skyping is even better if you can’t meet in person!


  6. This is one area where technology has greatly improved and allowed people from opposite ends of the earth to communicate – it is so exciting!! There is nothing quite like talking with someone live especially by video. I used to use Skype but figured out a while back that Facebook was more user friendly. Sounds like you and your friend had a lovely chat.


  7. I am so thrilled you two connected this way. If you need help sorting out the video part, I’m pretty good with that kind of thing and willing to help.


  8. I appreciate technology so much, and for many reasons. I like how much it has enlarged my world and introduced to me friends afar.


  9. Pingback: Friday is For Finding Fossils – A World Apart

  10. It was such a treat to read this years old post. Such nice memories!

    Liked by 1 person

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