Just the way it is



Well, that certainly sums up Summer in Wellington this year.  It has been cold, wet and windy for many days and the number of summer days can be counted on my fingers.  The forecast is no better and gale force winds are predicted for Wednesday and Thursday in Wellington.

How very different to last year. Then we had day after day of warm, sunny weather and I wrote about lunches in 3 different places with three different pools.  Well the pools are still there of course, and lunch is still on but unfortunately this year they have all been inside.

So I have had time to read more books and drink more tea.

Then today I thought again of the resolution I make around this time of the year.  For the last 4 years, my only resolution has been to get back to writing blog posts daily.  I’ve set the goal, have the best of intentions and then something/anything gets in the way.  So this year I haven’t made that resolution and it’s just as well because we are now at the 15th day of this New Year and I have managed to write two posts and now this one makes three.

Well anyway.  having started to write this post this morning, I then left it to continue my sorting out and clearing extraneous belongings; then it was lunch time and I thought after all that effort and energy I deserved a treat.  So I opened my book “The Lollipop Shoes” by Joanne Harris.  Well, it’s not really my book,  I belong to a book club where we share books with each other and this one belongs to another member. It’s a great way to read books you have been meaning to, and you don’t have to buy them or reserve them at the library.  You keep them for as long as you need. In fact, I’ve had these books since November.  After my latest Adventure with the chair and the rug, I wasn’t able to go to the December meeting so I’ll return the books in February.

After a couple of hours, I went back to decluttering.  I’m really feeling very pleased with myself at how well I’m doing (with a  little help from Grandson No 4 who has helped move things up onto the high shelves).   I have to have the occasional stop for tea and to rest my right arm and shoulder, and that’s an excuse I won’t be able to use for much longer.  The six weeks is up in 10 days time.  And then I shall be able to drive again.  Hoorah!

So my resolve, which I’m keeping secret this year, is to get back to writing and to posting a blog daily.  And as we say Watch this Space.

And from Bridget Jones’ Diary –

“Resolution number one: Obviously will lose twenty pounds. Number two:
Always put last night’s panties in the laundry basket.
Equally important will find sensible boyfriend to go out with and not continue
to form romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workaholics, commitment phobic’s, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits or perverts. And especially will not fantasise about a particular person who embodies all these things”

5 responses to “Just the way it is

  1. Ah, where would we be without a sense of humour? I have a disorganized room that needs to be sorted and organized. Duh. Why do ai never get around to it. I still have too much stuff.


    • Having moved so many times in recent years you would think I had little to declutter. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I’ll send you a Roundtoit so that you can start. JX

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heh heh. Thank you. I get tired of stuff and sometimes image myself just lighting a match to it. Imagine how horrified my hubby, who is a bit of a hoarder, would be.


  2. Sorry to hear your summer has not been great. The weather has been weird all over. Snow in Rome!! Even coolish here in Spain today. My doggie will need her coat when we go out. Good luck with the decluttering. I must do that too!!


  3. I’m so glad you intend to write often. I love your posts. You may be having a wet, cold summer, but we’ve had temps at zero in North Carolina. This week, though, it was unseasonably warm while my friend was visiting. We wore jackets instead of heavy coats. Hope you get some warm weather soon.


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