Still Hiking Into My Old Age

I dream of hiking into my old age.
I want to be able even then
to pack my load and take off slowly
but steadily along the trail.
~ Marlyn Doan

I used this quote as the title to my post way back in June 2011 when I was  a very new blogger. I loved the quote but at the time I knew little of Marlyn Doan and have found very little about her since.  However, I found that she was the author of 3 books and was a member of the Higher Education Consultants Association up until the time of her death.  In recognition of her work HECA founded a scholarship in her name.

I’m glad to have found out something about her, although the reason for the search was my walk through the bush this morning in the company of my Occupational Therapist.


 What is ‘the bush’? In New Zealand, it is the native forest, which once covered most of the land. Dense and dark, it was alive with birds, insects and lizards, but sometimes impenetrable to humans.

Much of it was cleared by the settlers but here in Wellington we are fortunate to have the Otari Native Botanic Garden and Wilton’s Bush Reserve.  This is the only public botanic garden in New Zealand dedicated solely to New Zealand native plants.  I have written about this bush in the past – A walk in the bush.

It has rained quite lot over the past few days and so it was wet and muddy underfoot, but that didn’t deter us.

The bush walk

The native birds were singing, the sun decided to shine for a short time, the water was gushing in the stream and I was told that I could retire my walking stick as I was doing so well.  I have now acquired some Nordic Hiking poles which I have yet to try, so maybe when the physiotherapist comes to visit next week we can try them.

How lucky am I that I have both an Occupational Therapist and a Physiotherapist looking out for me. Two completely different women with different training,  but both so caring and encouraging of my efforts.



And now as it’s Tuesday, I shall have lunch and get ready to meet with my friend.  We shall probably hve a short walk and then go to her house for our usual game of Upwords and a cup of tea.

toward the sushine

17 responses to “Still Hiking Into My Old Age

  1. That’s marvelous that you have both an occupational therapist and a physical therapist. I had a physical therapist that I called magical. After I had my second knee replaced, I walked with a cane for two and a half years. My therapist was the one who discovered what was wrong and helped me walk normally again. I love your blog and am eager to read your posts. I’m sure I will learn a lot from you.


    • First;y, thanks for subscribing. Im going over to see what you are up to when i get back from coffee with a friend.
      And yes Im so luckty. They are two totally different women with totally different spheres o interest, and they both come to me

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You always make me feel welcome on your walks, thank you for sharing a part of your peaceful path with me. Blessings.


    • I’m sorry I don’t know your name but you are most welcome to walk with me and maybe together we can get over your fear of walking outside. In any vent, coffee’s on – come on over.


  3. Sounds as though the therapists are encouraging you to do really well and the little hike was good for you. (I envy you the place). I hope you also enjoyed the walk with your friend and the game of Upwords afterwards.I haven’t played that i years.
    xxx Huge Hugs Judith xxx


  4. As my Nana used to say… “Everything is better with a nice cup of tea”. 😊


  5. Love a good walk and yours looked very nice. I never mind the weather and just enjoy the untamed countryside, and I’m sure you are the same 🙂


  6. Love the quote – I want to keep hiking too! I cannot imagine a physical therapist here taking a patient for a walk outdoors for very far. But I think a walk in nature would certainly help! So glad you are still doing well. Nice to know what bush means in New Zealand.


  7. I really miss the NZ bush. Especially the solitary walks I used to take. i am glad to hear that the birds were singing. spring must be just around the corner for you.. c


  8. Pingback: A World Apart

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