Home Again

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
Mary Oliver, 1935 –

Well now a change in lifestyle for me.

I arrived home safely from my European adventure.  And what an adventure that was.  After almost 11 weeks I was happy to be back home and ready to begin the next phase in this life.

I have lived alone for 15 years since my Dashing Young Scotsman died and thought I would spend the rest of my life so.  I was happy with my family, friends and a little dog and then into this settled life came another Dashing but older man, to take me to pastures new.  He has a passion for music, for travel and as an architect, for beautiful buildings.   Of course, we plan to go back to Florence together in the New Year.

So lots of pluses to this new life.  But there are some major changes to get used to when living daily with another.  For so many years I made decisions, appointments and plans with no thought for another.  Now there are two of us to consider.  I think when living alone one does become rather selfish and so it’s very good to have to stop and think before I say “Yes” to an invitation.  The other person must be considered too.  I am learning here.

We are very involved in selling this current house (see the garden view into the beech forest as the header to the blog) and building another house.  Daily I am involved in decisions on the new house and it’s very exciting.

And I am so excited.  My sister in London has agreed to come for a visit in the New Year.  None of my family has ever been here so I shall enjoy showing her this beautiful country and introducing her to my friends and my special friend when she gets here.

So much to look forward to and so much to be grateful for.  Each day I note all the things for which I am grateful my health, my lifestyle, my friends, my family.

I have been absent from the blogosphere for a few weeks while I become adjusted to this new way of life, but now I am back.  I hope/expect to have more adventures in the future (and at present) that I should like to share with you.

“…and there was a new voice which you slowly
recognised as your own, that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper into the world,
determined to do the only thing you could do –
determined to save the only life you could save.”
Mary Oliver – The Journey

24 responses to “Home Again

  1. I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on when this popped up in my in box. So pleased you are excited about your new adventures. Good luck with the sale of your lovely home and the building of a new one. It is good to share your life with another person. Cheers to both of you.


    • Thank you so much Darlene. I do miss my friends in the blogosphere but am gradually settling into this new way of life and hopefully I shall be back to writing and reading regularly once again.


  2. Welcome home. Congratulations and best wishes for much love and happiness.


  3. It is exciting to hear of your new adventure. I look forward to learning about the new house and your special friend…not necessarily in that order of importance.


  4. This is all good stuff, Judith! Yay, you! And your dashing “he.”


  5. I’m glad you are home and getting settled. Best wishes to your new life together (and seeing the sights of Florence next year!)


  6. Despite having enjoyed your Florence trip with you I’m delighted you’re home safely and back into the adventures of a new relationship and building a new house. I wish you much luck and happiness and I look forward to hearing about your sister’s visit and the next Florence trip in the New Year.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    • David thanks for the comment and the hugs. Both are really appreciated. I have been catching up on reading blogs but am still way behind. Getting back into the swing now so expect to hear comment from me on your blogs once again.


  7. Oh, Judith, I’m SOOOOO happy for you! This is exciting news. Interestingly, perhaps to you, my Sara is an architect by training. As you have probably learned, or are learning, architects are particular about things like where things are placed, so building a new home together is SOOO wise!

    Hugs from Ecuador,


    • Kathryn I hadn’t realised that you too live with an architect. Very strange after living on my own for so long to understand how important it is for a certain object to be placed exactly there on the coffee table. But I am learning and as he is such a special man I shall fit in.
      Hugs to you and Sara from Upper Hutt, New Zealand


  8. Pingback: Wild Life with Mary Oliver | virtualDavis

  9. Welcome home, Judith…I’m so happy for you!


  10. It nice to know that you had a lovely time, and especially that you sister is joining you for new year. I’m sure that will be a bit special


  11. As one adventure ends another begins.
    Enjoy ! 🙂


  12. How exciting to be building your new home! As you can see, I’ve gotten behind and just now getting around to reading this. Wishing you all the best!


  13. Hello Big Sister, what an adventure you are starting on and at my age I am going to have a lovely adventure coming to see you on the other side of the world and going to see Christine in LA as well. The rest of my life I do not intend when I get back to England again to waste on anything or anyone. I hope to go and learn something new and make new friends, at my age I need company as you have manage to get. I will not be that lucky I thought I had it but not to worry I shall look forward to seeing you and your new ONE !
    Love you tio the Moon & Stars and back. xx


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