On This Day

I started blogging. on March 1, 2011 and for more than a year I posted a blog every day without fail

So what was I blogging about all those years ago? The first January of blogging was in 2012 and on this day. January 14, I wrote about crop circles and how they had intrigued me since I first heard about them several decades ago.

Photo copyright Colin Andrews (https://www.facebook.com/ColinAndrewsAuthor)

As I said, I have been intrigued/fascinated by crop circles since I first heard about them many years ago when living in the UK. These circles have been discovered around the world over the past two centuries – They were witnessed by policemen and farmers as far back as 1890, they exist in the folklore of South Africa and China and are mentioned in 17th-century academic texts. (quote from Crop Circles Secrets.org.)

And then, through a friend, I heard about Freddy Silva and his fascination and work on them. He has produced a fantastic book on the subject – “Secrets in the Fields“.  In the site – Crop Circles Secrets it states “Crop circles are scientifically proven to be manifestations of energy under intelligent guidance.  Over 80 eyewitnesses describe them to be made by tubes of light in less than 15 seconds. The evidence for crop circles as a genuine phenomenon is found in Freddy Silva’s book Secrets in the Fields and throughout this site.”

Crop circles first appeared in the fields of southern England in the mid-1970s.   These circles were quite simple; they appeared overnight in various farmers’ fields in amongst the wheat, rape, oat, and barley. The crops were flattened, the stalks were bent but not broken. And there was no sign of entry through the fields to the circles.

The County of Wiltshire is the acknowledged centre of the phenomenon of crop circles.  Wiltshire is one of the most mystical places on earth and the county is the home of sacred Neolithic sites including Stonehenge, Avenbury and Silbury Hill. The circles seem to appear most often close to ancient and sacred sites.  It is an area well worth a visit when in England

Crop circles have been reported in Australia, South Africa, China, Russia, and many other countries.  But southern England is still the hub of the activity and we are told that more than 100 formations appear in the fields there each year.

So what do you think – magical, mysterious or made by humans and believed by gullible people. If you ascribe to their being made by the human hand, then mark me gullible.

I found this on Pinterest.
I hope I’m not impinging on any copyright.

4 responses to “On This Day

  1. Definitely a fascinating phenomenon. If they are manmade, I can only ask WHY?


  2. Just a little bit of Internet research revealed that most have been proven to be manmade, as hoaxes, art or personal reasons. There‘s a lovely youtube video called The beautiful world of Crop Circles.


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