R is for – Retail Therapy

Way back in 2016 following my near-fatal accident,
I noted and celebrated each small step towards recovery.
Earlier this month I wrote about going for a walk and now
I should like to share this with you.
As Zig Ziglar, a favourite motivational speaker said –
“You can eat an elephant a bite at a time.”



Posted on July 15, 2016 | 27 Comments | Edit

“Sometimes I need
only to stand wherever I am
to be blessed.”

― Mary OliverEvidence: Poems

I went into town today to meet a friend for coffee.  Unfortunately for me but fortunately for her, she had promised to take her grandson to the movies, so it was a very short meeting.  After she left, I had another coffee and thought about what I would do until my driver picked me up one hour later.

So here I was out on my own for the first time in 12 weeks.  It seemed like some retail therapy was called for.  I made it to only one department store almost opposite where we had coffee, but I felt pleased with myself for trying this.

I bought some tights, some makeup and a new perfume.  So al in all a good use of an unexpected free hour.  And to finish off,  while I waited for the driver, I bought some handmade chocolates from the chocolate shop.

Then home again with my caring and careful driver.  I’m so lucky that I have access to these women in Driving Miss Daisy.  They are all in their 50s and 60s and really look after me.

A quick lunch and then onto the bed for a nanny nap.

Another milestone reached and overcome.

4 responses to “R is for – Retail Therapy

  1. That was fun reading. You redeemed the day!


  2. Reblogged this on A World Apart.


  3. I like the spirit of grabbing instances of fun!

    Liked by 1 person

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