
I have enjoyed following Tara at Thin Spiral Notebook for several years.
She is a writer of fiction, an artist, photographer and so much more.
She is an inspiration! And I particularly like her 100 Word Challenge.

As Tara says, 100 words no more and no less. If you want to play along, this week’s challenge is Fort and here’s my effort.

Quarantine and self-isolation are words that chill me.  I am one of those people who are out and about most days. The thought of being confined to the house scares me.

For a short six months when I wasn’t allowed to drive following my misadventure, I was dependent on others coming to visit or take me places.

And now each time I read the news or a blog post, these words jump out at me.

In the event we have to commit to this here, I shall feel as if I am in a fort, cut off from the world.

8 responses to “Quarantine

  1. Brilliant take on the word ‘fort’, yes, cut off but also, fortified,and fortress, all words of wonderful strength JB!


  2. Thanks, Chris. I hadn’t thought of fortified but of course, that fits.

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  3. We are quarantined here in Spain but managing. Better than being sick.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Decidedly better Darlene. Stay safe. I am thinking of you my friend.

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  5. Judith, you say: “Quarantine and self-isolation are words that chill me. I am one of those people who are out and about most days. The thought of being confined to the house scares me.”
    I reckon self-isolation can be a good thing if you want to read and write more. I am sad that at present I cannot hug my loved ones. Self-isolation means, they cannot visit me at my home. I am with Peter, my husband, who is suffering from bladder cancer and a heart condition. When we need new supplies, they’ll be left at the door. It is a blessing though that we can still see all our children on the phone! Here in the Illawarra is perfect summer weather right now, and this is very enjoyable indeed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Uta, I am sad that you are in isolation. Is it for 14 days?
      And bad news about Peter. I hope he isn’t in too much pain. Best wishes to you both and hopes that we all come out of this storm soon and well.


  6. I’m sincerely hoping this passes soon and our lives can get back to a semblance of normal.

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