Time To Move On

I have been absent from the blogosphere for several weeks recently and I apologise to my faithful followers for this.

The reasons have been many but at the top of the list is a decision I have made.  I have decided to sell my house and then take several months to travel around Europe, and France in particular.

Why now one may ask – well  I have always had “itchy feet”.  This was pandered to by my husband and his moving around the world during the busy years making a name for himself and a life for us.  When he died I spent several years between New Zealand and England where I had been born and raised; eventually deciding to settle down again here in NZ.  But here on the other side of the world, we are so far away from everything and I am feeling that if I don’t do something about this restlessness now I never shall.

Then a few weeks ago I read a post from Kathryn McCulloch about major changes she and her partner Sara have made.  Apart from selling their house and getting married in New York, they have embarked on a new life in Ecuador.  How very brave is that!  This, of course, set me thinking.  Oh sure, they are younger than me and there are two of them, but so what.

So I determined to have an adventure of my own.  I do have two special sisters, one in Los Angeles and one in London and of course, any odyssey will have to start with them.  Added to that my sister in London has agreed to come to France if only for a few days while we/I decide where to spend the next few months.  Isn’t that exciting.  And I have a very good friend in Paris that I have been threatening to visit so Kay watch this space.

And yesterday, to add icing to this cake, I heard that another blogging buddy, Joss at Crowing Crone has put her house on the market and plans to travel to France in September.  So I shall have the opportunity to meet with her and her husband IN REAL LIFE!


The excitement continues to mount.Living roomThe house is on the market and the marketing has commenced.  It will be tendered over two weeks with the first Open Home on Sunday.  And if the other properties my Real Estate friend has sold over the past couple of months is anything to go by, it should sell easily.

Oh, and if you are wondering about the Beautiful Miss Bella – I have a very good friend who will adopt her for the time I am away.  I fear though that I might not get her back.

So Europe here I come.  I will attempt to be in the blogosphere more often now that the decision has been made.

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go.  I travel for travel’s sake.
The great affair is to move. ”
Robert Louis Stevenson
,  Scottish novelist, poet,
essayist and travel writer. 1850 – 1894



76 responses to “Time To Move On

  1. I’m excited for you! I’m looking forward to your butterfly evolving. 🙂


  2. How exciting – you Joss and Sara and Kathryn! I am thrilled for all of you! Judith your home is lovely and yes should sell well. I hope you all take me along at least via blogs!!


    • Hi Chris – busy busy here and so must apologise for the delay in responding. Thank you. I shall take you along with me on my adventure if only by my blogs


  3. Judith, I’ve been absent for months. I am thrilled to have caught this post of yours, and I most certainly want to take a moment to bid you a fond farewell. Congratulations for grabbing hold of life and continue to make it an adventure. May the selling of your house go smoothly and quickly, and may the travels bring with it wonderful journeys and new friendships. All the best to you.


  4. I wish you a safe and joyful journey and a wonderful meet up with dear, Joss.


  5. Have a fantastic trip


  6. I’m sure you’ll have a wondrous time meeting old friends and making new ones. Enjoy every minute of it.


  7. Yes, do it NOW while you are still fit enough to enjoy it! There are indeed globe-trotting nonagenarians, but I think you’ll have more fun now than if you wait 😀


  8. The best of luck Judith


  9. I wish for you an amazing adventure!


  10. parentsfriend

    You are a model for staying strong. Enjoy.


  11. I am so excited for you, and proud of you, too, for stepping out of the norm and listening to your heart! France here we come!


  12. Very exciting post, Judith. Thanks for sharing your beautiful plans for the future. Wishing you all the best and good luck! 🙂


  13. Good for you! Follow your heart and have a great adventure. I look forward to hearing all about it.


  14. Bon voyage Judith. There is no time like the present!


  15. This sounds like a great adventure and I am really pleased that you are able to make it


  16. That must have been a very hard decision. I know your sisters will be so glad to see you in real life! Godspeed, dear friend, I look forward to following your grand adventure.


  17. So exciting! I’m glad that you’re looking forward to your adventure. Are you going to sell the furniture with the house? What do your grandkids think of the plan?


    • Hi Nancy. Well I was egged on by your big move and that of Kathryn and Sara to Ecuador. I shall put the furniture in store for when I return. And as for my grandsons they think it is a great adventure and are planning on coming over to visit.


    • That all sounds fabulous, Judith! There is nothing like a new adventure to make us feel ALIVE!


  18. Congratulations Judith! Best of luck for a fantastic trip and I look forward to reading about your adventures. Watch out for strangers in panama hats, thought! 🙂


  19. I was hoping nothing was wrong as you have been quiet for a while – and I am delighted for you. Great idea – get out there and enjoy. Joy


    • Thank you for caring. I shall certainly do my best to enjoy the adventure and be sure that I shall be blogging from time to time to keep all my blogging friends up to date.


  20. I applaud your decison. I was wondering what had happened to you. Funny thing is my husband and I just returned from Spain where we looked at property and checked out the possibility of moving there for awhile. It may just happen. You have inspired me.


  21. How fantastic for you! And what a huge decision. But your feeling that the time to have an adventure might be slipping away, makes now the perfect time for a change. I hope you still plan on blogging once in awhile while you are wandering so we can share vicariously in your travels. I have this picture of Bilbo Baggins in my head…


  22. Stunning news Judith! I am delighted for you and this very major decision. I hope too that you will keep blogging and tell us all about your adventures. This is a magnificent life change for sure. ~Dor


  23. Adventures await you! I applaud your decision and bravery (letting go of the familiar) to embark on this new chapter of your life. From the photo, your house looks beautiful and I expect it’ll sell in no time. Your journey, particularly going to France, sounds divine. Can’t wait to read all about it!


  24. Goodness, I AM so excited for you!!!!! And I had NO idea our move would impact anyone else. I’m honored.

    I’ve been away from the blogosphere, as well. The move has kept us so busy–distracted me. Hopefully, I’ll get back to writing now.

    Thanks for the shout out! Have you ever considered a trip to Ecuador as part of your travels? We’d be happy to show you around Cuenca.



    • Thanks Katherine. I am so thrilled that your move is working so well for you and Sarah. I haven’t ever considered Ecuador in fact, when I read your blog I had to look it up on Google to see just where it is.
      Who knows I may just send you an email one day to say I am coming to visit. I have already found out that Joss (http://crowingcrone.com/), will be in France at the same time so we are hoping to meet up, and a lovely blogging pal Sallyann at hallysann.wordpress.com/ lives in Oxford and I hope to meet up with her while I am in the UK. I am excited at the thought of meeting people in the flesh that I have only ever known on the blogosphere.
      Keep enjoying your adventures and keep us informed please. 🙂


  25. I admire people who can chase adventure like that. I’m more of the play it safe, stick close to home type. I’m so excited for you, though! It sounds like travel is just what you need right now. I hope you do blog about your experiences – I’d love to experience your travels vicariously 🙂


    • Thanks Janna. I am getting excited about it now and think it is about to happen. I have an open ticket and an open mind so who knows what might happen. 🙂


  26. Just catching up on my blog reading and saw your big news! What an amazing adventure you’re about to take. I, too, marveled about the big decision that Kathy and Sara made and think it’s amazing that you’ve been inspired to do the same. I look forward to more reports from France. When do you leave?


    • I plan to leave once the house is sold and that is looking good with lots of interest so fingers crossed. Once that is done I shall organise myself – a visit to a sister in LA and then on to London. From there the adventure really begins. Of course, I shall have my trusty laptop and tablet with me so watch for updates from time to time. Thanks for commenting. 🙂


  27. So wonderful! You go girl. I admire your joy to live life fully.



  28. Sounds right up my street. Sure you’ll have an amazing time. 🙂


  29. What a nice surprise to find your comment and like on my last post! I too have been away from blogging for various reasons but hope to get back to normal.

    What courage you have for this change and adventure! I envy you. Husband and I can’t even contemplate moving across town! However, there have been some life changes that make me want to make the most of every day at this age. Please post often of your adventures! You have inspired me.


  30. Pingback: Climbing our own “ladders” of possibility… living with inspiration, determination and possibility | Pocket Perspectives

  31. Judith…I just linked to this post… you’re offering us all such inspiration!


  32. Well the excitement is certainly building here. Hoping to go really soon now. 🙂


  33. winsomebella

    I am just getting caught up with this big news Judith! You are an inspiration to many of us. I am still intending to get to New Zealand but if our paths do not cross there, perhaps somewhere else in our great big yet somehow little world :-). Will be watching for news and updates when you make them. My very best to you, always.


  34. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    I absolutely love that butterflies quote. Enjoyed this post. You’re sounding very brave 🙂


  35. Pingback: Writing 101: Serially Found | I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

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