Hello again

Well, my goodness. It’s been months since I wrote anything here. Just have been finishing up my book on Grief and Loss. It seemed that each time I was happy with what I had written, I found more to write about. Anyway, I have put THE END in my mind.

So back to blogs.

Way back in October 2014, I was living with The Architect (A huge Frank Lloyd Wright fan) and I was involved in the Writing 101 Challenge. On October 2 the challenge was: –

Pick up the nearest book and flip to page 29. What’s the first word that jumps off the page? Use this word as your springboard for inspiration. If you need a boost, Google the word and see what images appear, and then go from there. 

Today’s twist: write the post in the form of a letter. 

 I opened the book Loving Frank on page 29 and the word Stetson jumped out at me.

After re-reading the post, I thought I would continue with the correspondence between Ezekial Butler and Frank Lloyd Wright. So…

Dear Mr Lloyd Wright,

I received your response to my letter and must say I am surprised at your attitude. My intention in writing to you was to show my concern as to what you and Mrs Cheney are currently involved in. This ignoring of the rules of our society can only bring you much unhappiness: Not to say, what the lifelong effects will be on Mrs Cheney’s children. 

My concern is for your spiritual wellness and that of Mrs Cheney. Please be aware that you are involving not only you two but both families as well. I implore you to desist in cohabitating and send Mrs Cheney back where she belongs.

Yours faithfully,
Ezekial Butler.


Dear Mr Butler,

I was amazed and deeply offended on receiving your letter.  I strongly object to your deciding that you have the right to correspond with me on this subject.

Nothing has changed since our last exchange of letters. Mrs Cheney still lives here with me and will continue to do so for as long as we both deem fit. Do not write to me again on this subject.

Yours faithfully,
Frank Lloyd Wright. 

In case you missed the earlier post – here it is

I have just received from Amazon the book “Loving Frank” based on the lives and love story of Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah Borthwick Cheney.  I have been intrigued by the architect for some years and this has been fed upon by my now living with an architect whose inspiration has often been Frank Lloyd Wright.

As suggested I opened the book on page 29 and the word “Stetson” jumped out on me.  So here goes:

Dear Mr Lloyd Wright, or may I call you Frank
I recently met Mrs Cheney when she came into the shop to purchase a hat and later found out that the hat was for you.  I am now aware that you two are cohabiting outside the marriage union and I must place on record my objection to your flouting the common courtesy rules of our society, not to mention the precepts of the Church.
I strongly recommend that you send Mrs Cheney back to Mr Cheney and her children without delay.

Yours faithfully
Ezekial Butler

 Dear Mr Butler
No, you may not call me Frank.
Mrs Cheney and I are living in a loving relationship that doesn’t impinge on your world and should not impinge on your conscience.  The fact that you chose to write to me in this fashion deeply offends me.
If Mrs Cheney and I choose to ignore the rules of society and those of your Church it is our own business. We do not intend to bow to your request.  Mrs Cheney will now stay with me and we look forward to many years of being together, married or not.

Yours faithfully
Frank Lloyd Wright

Having read more of the books about Lloyd Wright, I am sure he would be offended and from what I have read, would put this Ezekial Butler firmly in his place.   I wonder what happens next.







12 responses to “Hello again

  1. Glad to see you’re well Judith. I hope you have the end in mind and in hand so that you’re happy with it. Very good luck with it.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    • David, thank you. The ms is with a publisher at present, but from what I hear from others, they probably want a fee to publish my book. In which case i’ll revert to self-publishing.


  2. Good luck with your book, Judith! Always great to see you here.


  3. Nice to find a post from you, Judith! I have not been posting much lately as I have been involved in volunteer work. It seems you have been productive!


  4. I’m so glad to see you again. Missed you!


  5. Publishing! Best wishes! And writing imagined letters sounds like a lot of fun. I read Loving Frank a few years back in a book club, and I didn’t like learning about Wright’s personal life. I’d had him on a pedestal and he tipped over a bit in my reading!


    • Lois, thank you for the comment. I had always been interested in the man and when I was in Fiesole with my late partner, we saw the house in which he lived with Mama Borthwick nothing special by, of course, it wasn’t one of his.
      It’s a shame when one’s idol is knocked off his pedestal as was the case after you read the book.
      I hope you two are OK.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Just found your blog on Ageless Project. Wish you well publishing your book. I, too, had been intrigued with FLW. Recall when news was aflutter with stories of his Taliesen West, his chief apprentice, Peters, wedding Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana. Eventually, I read biographies of Wright which revealed the egotism present in so many creative artists. No doubt having such a persona helps them withstand the professional criticisms to which they’re subjected, but that doesn’t make some of their behaviors any more palatable.


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