
100-word-challengeI have enjoyed following Tara at Thin Spiral Notebook for several years.
She is a writer of fiction, an artist, photographer and so much more.
She is an inspiration.  And I particularly like her 100 Word Challenge.


This week’s challenge is Intent. ” Using “intent” for inspiration, write 100 Words – 100 exactly – no more, no less. You can either use the word – or any form of the word – as one of your 100, or it can be implied.”  Click on the link to play along.


Here’s my offering:

Her intentions were good, always.  But somehow, what she planned didn’t always work out as she had intended.
Why was it when she bought that large box of special chocolates for her mother, she had forgotten she was diabetic?
How had she forgotten that her best friend had a broken ankle when she suggested a walk along the beach?
And taking that rescue puppy to her sister’s when she had forgotten the kids were scared of animals?
And now it was almost New Year,  This year, her Resolution would be to look at the outcome of her actions before acting.


16 responses to “Intent

  1. We would like to extend the best wishes from our family to yours! May the New Year bring only good things to all of you!


  2. I enjoy reading you blog. I also liked your 100 Words about intent. I’ve fallen behind on my100 word challenges. My “intent” is to get back to writing again!😉 Happy New Year!


  3. That’s me! Full of good intentions ,,, A very happy and healthy new year, Judith.


  4. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!! All the best for 2018, whatever it may bring us. So pleased you are my blogging friend. ❤


  5. Good advice! Happy New Year, Judith!


  6. You’re right, sometimes it isn’t the thought that counts. Wise 100 Words.

    (I appreciate that you’ve been such a good supporter of 100 Words. I hope you have a great New Year.)


  7. Brilliant as always dear friend. Happy New Year! I go home tomorrow and hopefully will be snugly at home to welcome NY one day after you. I saw Joss FB where she said she has had stomach flu. I have had a couple of twinges of nausea and hope nothing comes of it. Xo


  8. Hope your twinges ametonothing. Areyouhome tomorrow for a chat? Usual time


  9. Or even, came to nothing..


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