A Very Simple Pleasure

The area in which I now live is a mix of young families, grown up families, single people, professional singles and couples, and retirees like me.

The other day my day was made when I arrived home.  As I was getting out of the car I heard two little voices calling “Judith, Judith” and there were the two,  little girls from across the road calling me to come and talk.  These delightful little ones are 4 and 2 years old and I was thrilled that they wanted to speak to me.

They showed me the treasures they had gathered that day with the elder one prompting her sister all the time.  The treasures were leaves, a couple of flowering weeds, a pebble and a bird’s feather – what innocence they displayed. We ‘chatted’ for some minutes and then I was told by the elder one, that they were waiting for friends who were coming for a sleepover.  I was told that one was only a baby and so wouldn’t be playing but her big sister would.  I heard that they would stay the night and then go home to their own house the next day.  This information was imparted with such seriousness and then when the car carrying the friends arrived, their excitement knew no bounds – I love that expression and it really tells how they were.  Jumping up and down and calling their friends’ names.

This simple interaction with these two little girls brought me so much pleasure  and I thought after I left them that often we look for happiness in the big things, when in fact happiness and pleasures are all around us if we just take the time to look.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
“Leisure” by William Henry Davies, Welsh Poet & writer 1871-1940.

Davies plaque

So tomorrow take some time just to be and to look around and see the little things that make life worthwhile.  Two little girls made by heart sing that day – what makes yours sing?

24 responses to “A Very Simple Pleasure

  1. I think that would make my day, too. 🙂


    • Thanks Georgette. With children grown adn grandchildren growing up I tend to forget the simple pleasures enjoyed by little ones. That moment certainly made my heart sing.


  2. How sweet!


  3. Hi Judith, thank you so much for stopping by my Simple Pleasures page, and I love that you found such a wonderful moment to share today too – it took me back to when I was a very little girl waiting for my best friend to come for a sleepover! Your blog warms my heart 🙂


  4. Thank you Judith, I love that poem and had forgotten it. Think I will use a bit for one of my Thinking About What Matters Posters. So many retirees don’t want children around them, hence in America the over 50 communities. So sad, so very sad for the children and the retirees who obvisously did not find joy as parents. Haven’t we been lucky.


    • Yes we certainly have been liucky. I (mostly) enjoyed my children and love the grandchildren. But there is plenty of room in my heart for two little girls. So many reirees take themselves off to retirement villages and miss out on the rich tapestry of people living their lives at different stages. .


  5. If we could only remember to see with the eyes of a child, what a lovely world it would be. Thanks for sharing this Judith.


  6. Lovely, this brings back a memory from a chld’s eyes. When we were a lot younger, my older sister and I used to walk back and for to our primary school. We lived on an estate and the street near to our house used to pass a line of bungalows. One lady in particular used to be often seen in her garden at school home-time. We used to wave and stop to say hello. Eventually we were so used to her being there that if she wasn’t we would lean over her fench and call her, just to say hello. Not knowing her name we would just shout “Friend” until she came out into the garden to say hello. 🙂


  7. A wonderful post and the perfect poem to end it. I have spent today with my two-month old granddaughter and it has been a full day of simple treasures. Thanks for the smile, Judith 🙂


  8. That’s so cute! Kids have a contagious joy about them. Their excitement rubs off on us, too. Just a few minutes ago, my phone rang (it plays a song) and my younger son jumped off the couch and started dancing. It made me laugh 🙂


  9. I adore chatting with 2 and 4 years olds . . . before school tempers their enthusiasm.

    Thanks for a lovely post, Judith!


  10. Children have a way of doing that. What a joy to see life through their eyes. Love the poem.


  11. Listen to the sound of hands clapping. I’m with you on your journey.


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